Cameron & Kane, LLC File Petition to Discover Owners of Fake Websites on Behalf of Fritz Kaegi, Cook County Assessor Candidate

Earlier this year, Fritz Kaegi, a candidate for Cook County Assessor running against incumbent Joe Berrios, discovered several fake websites which use photos of himself and his family to inaccurately infer an association with his campaign. In reality, these fake websites have no actual relationship to Mr. Kaegi of his campaign and were created without his knowledge, direction, or consent. The fake websites even go so far as to (1) ask for fundraising donations; (b) solicit email addresses and communications of people interested in volunteering, and (c) make reference to “orgies.”
Concerned with both the content and false insinuations of these fake websites, Mr. Kaegi retained Cameron & Kane, LLC to get to the bottom of it.
Earlier today, Cameron & Kane, LLC filed an Illinois Supreme Court Rule 224 Petition on behalf of Mr. Kaegi to do just that. The Petition, filed in the Law Division of Circuit Court of Cook County, seeks the court’s permission to subpoena the hosts of the various fake websites, which include Go Daddy, Facebook, Twitter, and CrowdPAC, and force them to turnover the identity of their owners.
Cameron & Kane, LLC’s Petition as well as the fake websites were the subject of a CBS 2 local television news story tonight. You can view the segment and read an associated article here.
Once the identity of the fake website owners has been discovered, Cameron & Kane, LLC will be representing Mr. Kaegi in any legal action against them that he may deem necessary including, inter alia, an action under the Illinois Right to Publicity Act (765 ILCS 1075/1 et seq.).
#CameronAndKane #FritzKaegi #CookCountyAssessor #DemocraticParty #JoeBerrios #Chicago #ChicagoLaw