Cameron & Kane, LLC Wins Motion for Summary Judgment Vindicating Tenant Client’s Rights
In March of 2016, Cameron & Kane, LLC was retained by a tenant residing in the Hermosa neighborhood of Chicago. This client had been a dutiful tenant in the same building for over eight years when – through no fault of her own – the property went through foreclosure and was purchased by a new owner. After taking title, this new owner of the building had failed to notify her of her rights under law and, instead, forced her to move out of the home she had known for almost a decade.
After hearing her story, Cameron & Kane, LLC sprung into action and filed a lawsuit shortly thereafter. After extensive investigation of the complex facts and law underlying the matter, Cameron & Kane, LLC filed a “Motion for Summary Judgement” to resolve the lawsuit on their client’s behalf. A “Motion for Summary Judgment” is an extraordinary remedy which totally resolves a lawsuit without an actual trial being conducted. Motions for Summary Judgment often require extensive written and oral arguments in addition to conclusive factual proofs of the claim presented.
Today, after eighteen months of dedicated representation, Cameron & Kane, LLC is proud to report that our Motion for Summary Judgment was granted and our client has received a judgment for maximal damages under the applicable law. We are confident that this judgment will help compensate our client for the costs, heartache, and inconvenience of being unlawfully uprooted and relocated from her home.
Scott Kane
Member and Attorney at Law, Cameron and Kane, LLC
2864 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
Phone: (872) 588-0727
Fax: 312-268-7478
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